When we think of feminine features, we often think of long eye lashes, defined cheeks, and voluptuous lips. Of course, it’s a key reason why women love lipsticks and glosses, which make their lips appear plumper. Genetics determine the shape and size of our lips, but as with all our other facial features, our lips can loose their volume and shape as we age.

Our lips can appear thinner as early as our late 20s. Youthful lips appear plump because of the natural, healthy supply of collagen and hyaluronic acid inside them. As we lose our natural ability to produce collagen, it’s no shock that our lips lose volume. Some signs of aging lips losing volume include the appearance of more pronounced asymmetry or more off-balanced shape, they appear more wrinkly or have more lines or grooves. A common complaint of thinning lips is your lipstick bleeding outside the lip.

At Skinfidelity, our Lip Augmentation treatment involves injecting fillers [link to fillers page] into the upper and/or lower lips. We use hyaluronic acid fillers to add shape, structure and volume to asymmetrical, small or thinning lips. Our goal is to ensure your lips maintain a natural shape and size, without drastically changing your appearance. Subtle changes to the volume in your lips can improve the overall youthfulness and femininity of your face and increase confidence.

The injection procedure itself takes only a few minutes and is minimally invasive. The medical grade numbing cream (we are famous for) packs a punch and really reduces most discomfort. After a Lip Augmentation treatment, it is normal to expect some swelling. You can expect to see inflammation for a day or two after. Bruising may occur- although we have a low incidence rate- we can never promise this won't occur. We encourage you to refrain from planning to attend big events  for a few days after just incase.

After treatment, we recommend you avoid strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours. If you decide to workout and you feel the treated area getting swollen or tight please stop. Increasing your heart rate and blood pressure increases swelling to the area and you can give yourself a new or worsened bruise. It is ideal to avoid drinking alcohol, or taking blood-thinning medications, including ibuprofen for the first 24 hours especially if you have bruising because it can worsen the bruise or swelling. If you have any concerns we are available 7 days a week and aim to provide support even outside regular hours.