The most common adverse effects to any injectable procedure includes bleeding, bruising, redness, swelling, tenderness at site and risk for infection.
To minimize these unwanted effects we ask that you try to follow a few simple rules.
First, avoid makeup for the day of treatment and be prepared to have areas of your skin cleansed thoroughly with an antiseptic. You should not reapply your makeup in injected sites unless demonstrated by the injector only after a prescribed amount of time has passed because you can damage treatment results.
We also ask that you refrain from taking alcohol, blood thinners, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, sleeping aids, allergy medications, aspirin, ibuprofen, St. John's Wort, Vitamin E, Omega 3s, Ginkgo biloba, and/or Ginseng on the same day unless directed by a physician.
If you want dermal filler treatments you must have finished and been off antibiotics for 2 weeks. You must wait 2 weeks after doing any dental work or any vaccinations before scheduling an appointment.
By preparing for your treatment you can minimize all the common unwanted side effects listed above and the duration they last.
We start the session with a consultation which is guided conversation to assess your goals and expectations. We educate you more thoroughly about each specific treatment for specific areas of the face. We review your medical history with our physician to see if you are a good candidate for the treatment.
When you book online you will get a chance to read the consent form before coming on premise to give you time to prepare any questions you may have to make an informed decision.
After Botox; you will have to remain upright for 4 hours. This includes standing, sitting and walking. You can not put any pressure on the injected sites whether it is washing your face or wearing a hat or glasses for 4 hours. You can not exercise for 12 hours. You can not drink alcohol for 12 hours. You can not increase your body temperature doing activities such as taking a hot bath, jacuzzi, sauna or tanning for 12 hours. You can not fly in a plane under 48 hours.
After Filler; you will have to protect the injected areas from constant pressure for 3 days. We recommend sleeping on your back for at least 3 nights. No not consume alcohol for 12 hours. Do not exercise for 12 hours. You can not increase your body temperature doing activities such as taking a hot bath, jacuzzi, sauna or tanning for 12 hours. You can not fly in a plane under 72 hours.